Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mesibat Siddur -- First Prayer Book Celebration

On Sunday, Margalit's first grade class celebrated an important milestone in Jewish education. They received their first siddurim -- daily prayer books. The ceremony was held in Jerusalem at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site. Here's a photo of the Wall.

As the children entered into the plaza leading to the Wall, parents spread a tallit -- Jewish prayer shawl -- over the children.

Here's Margalit.

Parents and teachers danced and sang and played musical instruments alongside the children, as the entire group processed across the plaza. There were seventy families in all.

The ceremony where the children received their prayer books took place in an ancient archway on the side of the Western Wall plaza.

Here is Margalit receiving her prayer book from her teacher, Ahuva.

After receiving their prayer books, the children assembled with their families out in the open on the plaza. Everyone prayed afternoon prayers together facing the Temple Mount. Afterwards, the children got a special message from Rabbi Aviner, a well known scholar who taught many of their teachers.

Here is Margalit with her friend Ma'ayan. Ma'ayan lives next door to us and sits next to Margalit in school.

Here is Margalit with her friend Mivaseret, who lives in our neighborhood.

Here is Margalit with Ahuva again. 

Here is Margalit with her proud parents. The old guy on the right is me.

Medad came along to sing and celebrate with Margalit and her classmates. (Little Asher stayed with friends.)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Abba shel Shabbat

Each week, on Friday, Asher's preschool has a Shabbat party to welcome the Sabbath. Last week, it was Asher's turn to be the Shabbat Father (Abba shel Shabbat in Hebrew).


Asher and the Shabbat Mother (Ima shel Shabbat) (on the right) sat together at a Shabbat table.

Their teacher, Maggie, joined them and led them in songs to welcome Shabbat

The Shabbat Mother recited the blessing over the candles,

and Asher recited the blessing over the wine.

All the children then sat down together to make the blessing over bread and ate lunch together.