Thursday, May 26, 2011

Water and Fire

Last week on our Tuesday afternoon family desert outing, we visited a Nabatean well a few miles outside of Yeruham. (Remember the Nabateans?) Everyone took a turn drawing water out of the well.

Here's our neighbor Yair drawing water.

And here are three thirsty onlookers.

Lag B'Omer

Saturday night was Lag B'Omer, a holiday commemorating a number of events in Jewish history, including the end of a divine plague among the students of the great rabbinic sage Rabbi Akiva. According to the Talmud, the plague was sent because the students did not show each other sufficient respect as scholars. (Albany Law School colleagues: take note!)

At any rate, the holiday is commemorated by burning bonfires. We attended a bonfire with friends at which we roasted whole chickens in the fire, along with potatoes, corn, and marshmallows.

There was also singing.

And fireworks on a nearby hill.

En Yorqenim
This week on our desert outing, we went to En Yorqenim, a hidden pool in the desert just past the large crater.

Here the water cut a canyon into the ground.

And here are two intrepid travellers...

walking down into the canyon.

At the bottom we found the pool. Since the rains are long past, the pool was quite small.

But that did not stop our leader, Yael, from conducting boat rides.

Here's a motley crew.

After eating s'mores melted over an open fire, we headed back as the sun went down.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rememberance & Independence

Here in Yeruham, after the Passover holiday, spring is in full bloom. Here is a photo of Margalit walking to school in the morning.

The spring also brings national holidays: Rememberance Day in honor of fallen soldiers and Independence Day in honor of the founding of the State of Israel. Many people in our neighborhood flew flags this week to mark the holidays.

The city also put out flags on the main street of Yeruham.

At Medad's school, a special assembly was held on Remeberance Day. Here is a photo of the principal addressing the students.

Medad sang in the school choir.

Medad also participated in a flag ceremony.

Asher took part in an Independence Day celebration for all of the preschoolers in the city.

Asher's preschool recited a blessing for the State of Israel. You can see him in the middle of the photo.

Asher's proud grandparents were in attendance (visiting us for the week).

Independence day celebrations culminated with a fireworks display sponsored by the city.